Liquid Storage

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Maaskade Bevrachters and its 45 inland tank barges guarantee optimal logistic solutions. We have a wide variety of clients in the vegetable and edible oil market, industrial fermentation and feed industry, but also in the paper industry, and dedicated products in the niche market. In Europe, Maaskade Bevrachters has the largest fleet of inland tank barges for transporting non-hazardous liquids.


Maaskade Bevrachters and its 45 inland tank barges guarantee optimal logistic solutions. We have a wide variety of clients in the vegetable and edible oil market, industrial fermentation and feed industry, but also in the paper industry, and dedicated products in the niche market. In Europe, Maaskade Bevrachters has the largest fleet of inland tank barges for transporting non-hazardous liquids.


Maaskade Bevrachters and its 45 inland tank barges guarantee optimal logistic solutions. We have a wide variety of clients in the vegetable and edible oil market, industrial fermentation and feed industry, but also in the paper industry, and dedicated products in the niche market. In Europe, Maaskade Bevrachters has the largest fleet of inland tank barges for transporting non-hazardous liquids.